Water Monitoring and Laboratory Analysis

Water Monitoring

Monitoring of cyanoHAB is critical to understanding the dynamics of a bloom, deciding on best management strategies, and protecting aquatic life and public health. There are many challenges to monitoring due to available resources, size and dynamics of the water body, and laboratory analytical techniques. The State Water Board's Surface Water Quality Monitoring Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) is focused on developing a statewide monitoring strategy for cyanotoxins, guidance for field and laboratory protocols, and a satellite monitoring program to be a first alert system for cyanoHABs in larger water bodies.  For more information on current monitoring projects, please contact CyanoHAB.Reports@waterboards.ca.gov.

Laboratory Analysis

It is important to detect the presence of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in drinking and recreational water, as well as detecting bioaccumulation in freshwater and marine organism tissues. Having rapid and accurate detection methods - including visual and qualitative methods along with quantitative laboratory techniques - are critical to ensure the proper management of cyanoHABs. The State Water Board's Office of Information Management & Analysis is focused on bringing together laboratories to develop cyanoHAB data comparability and improve cyanoHAB data interpretation. Laboratories that are interested in joining the Cyano Lab Network, please contact marisa.vandyke@waterboards.ca.gov.