Healthy Watersheds Partnership - Relevant Data and Tools
See below for relevant data and tools related to watershed assessment.
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Dataset Name (Sortable) |
Source (Sortable) |
Spatial Resolution (Not Sortable) |
Temporal Resolution (Sortable) |
Temporal Extent (Not Sortable) |
Used in HWP Assessment (Sortable) |
Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS) | CDFW* | Varies | Varies | Varies | Yes |
Cal-Adapt | UCB, CEC | Varies | Monthly, Annual | 1950 - 2100 | Yes |
California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN) | SWRCB | Varies | Varies | 1950 - 2020 | Yes |
California Freshwater Species Database v2 | TNC | HUC 8 | Static | 2015 | Yes |
California Natural Flows Database | TNC, USGS | HUC 10, stream reach | Static, Annual | 1950 - 2015 | Yes |
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) | USGS | HUC 2, HUC 4, HUC 8 | Static | NA | Yes |
National Land Cover Database (NLCD) | MRLC Consortium, USGS | 30 m | Annual | 1985 - 2016 | Yes |
PRISM Climate Data | PRISM Climate Group | 800 m, 40 km | Daily, Monthly, Annual | 1895 - 2020 (Best data from 1981 - 2020) |
Yes |
Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) | USGS | HUC 2, HUC 4, HUC 6, HUC 8, HUC 10, HUC 12, HUC 14, HUC 16 | Static | NA | Yes |
CDFW = California Department of Fish and Wildlife, CEC = California Energy Commission, MRLC = Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics, SWRCB = California State Water Resources Control Board, TNC = The Nature Conservancy, UCB = University of California, Berkeley, USGS = United States Geological Survey
*Full access to data may require creating an account
Every tool in existence was made for a specific purpose or to answer specific questions and therefore has its own strengths and weaknesses. Use the decision tree below to determine which tools may be most suited to answer your question(s).
![Photo indicating section is a work in progress.](/monitoring_council/healthy_streams/images/work_in_progress.png)