Safe to Swim - Research Links

New Recreational Water Quality Criteria

  • EPA's nationally recommended recreational water quality criteria
    Protect human health in inland and coastal waters. The criteria are designed to protect primary contact recreation, such as swimming, surfing, and diving.

  • California Bacterial Objective Project
    California Water Boards logo The State Water Resources Control Board is proposing a statewide control program to protect recreational users from the effects of pathogens in California water bodies. The program would be adopted as amendments to both the Inland Surface Water, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries Plan and the California Ocean Plan. Significant proposed program elements may include: new water quality objectives for both fresh and marine waters based on newly released United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) criteria; a reference beach/natural source exclusion process and high flow exemptions; and revised beach notification requirements.

New Non-Culture Fecal Indicator Bacteria Methods

Microbial Source Studies

California Water Quality Collaboration Network Webinars

Clean Water Team Videos